Scheduled conference coming up for Wellspring Ministries

DATES: October 7,8,9 2022

Location:  Trinity Christian School  1212 Warrior Way Prescott, AZ  86305

I Found Freedom Conference

Speakers: Dave & Cindy Koch – from Alaska!

SCHEDULE:  Friday 6-9 pm

                     Saturday 9 am – 12 noon    2pm – 6 pm

                     Sunday  1 pm- 3pm    6-9 pm


GROUP RATE ROOMS AVAILABLE:  SpringHill Suites by Marriott

              Reservations and Group Rates: “I Found Freedom Conference”

              PLEASE CALL:   928 776-0998

This conference is based on Dr. Art Mathias’ book, Biblical Foundations of Freedom

  • The Power of Forgiveness

  • Does God Allow Evil?

  • Bitterness Towards Others

  • How We Blame Ourselves

  • God’s Answers to:  Rejection, Fear, Envy and Jealousy….and more!

Give us a call if you’re a pastor and would like to discuss sponsoring one of our speakers to come teach at your church

One of the many resources Wellspring Ministries offers are conferences and seminars that we teach in your hometown. Dr. Mathias, Janice, Milan, and Pastor Pat Hadley travel extensively teaching and sharing God’s message of repentance, forgiveness, deliverance, and healing.

Testimonies From “I Found Freedom Seminar”

The “I Found Freedom” Seminar The Biblical Foundations of Freedom Seminar or “I Found Freedom” seminar leads the participant through the book, Biblical Foundations of Freedom, by Dr. Mathias. Those who attend learn how to have victory over the attacks of the devil, bitterness, self-bitterness, anger, jealousy and envy, fear, unbelief and the occult. Organizations and individuals both experience the love of the Father and healing. This seminar is also available on audio CD and on DVD.

Testimonies From “How To Minister To Others” Seminar

The “How to Minister to Others” Seminar This seminar provides training for those who desire to minister to others. It is our premise that all believers are ministers of the Gospel. We do not need to be “professionals” to be His ministers, but do need to be trained and proficient at our work. This seminar is designed as practical, hands-on-approach to helping others. A workbook is provided to participants. This seminar is also available on audio CD and on DVD.

Teaching from Pakistan: Pastor Khalid M Naz & Dr. Art Mathias